
insert a page into document while sending envelope

2019-09-17 10:07发布


I am new to docusign and the APIs.

However I am trying to understand what would be the best way to achieve my usecase.

I have a document which can have (1+) middle pages apart from the first and last page where user has to sign the document.

To optimize this is a solution i am thinking but not nearing the answer.

  1. Create a template with three pages.

  2. While sending envelope to user depending upon the scenario (the middle pages can be 1+...) I am trying to create the pages dynamically and trying to insert between the exising document of template.

Is this possible?

Or should i need to try Composite Template API for this by making the inital Template as Two seperate template and insert the dynamic one as "inline" template?


One Envelope with three documents presented to Signer: use Composite Template form of envelope per your final suggestion of the following structure (REST OR SOAP):

Composite Templates
    Composite Template
      Server Template (Static Document PDF and Recipient Role and Tabs)
      Inline Template
           Recipient Role 
    Composite Template
      Server Template (structure PDF and Tabs)
      Document (actual PDF bytes for dynamic document)
    Composite Template
      Server Template (Static Document PDF and Recipient Role and Tabs)

This is NOT the solution if your want one document (not one PDF) in the Envelope presented to the Signer