User jQuery to get nested elements from XML

2019-09-17 09:02发布


I'm spinning my wheels on this. How do I get the values from the following nested elements from the XML below (I've also put my code below)? I am after the "descShort" value and then the capital "Last" and capital "change" :

        <desc>Dow Jones Industrials</desc>
        <descAbbrev>DOW JONES</descAbbrev>
        <descShort>DOW JONES</descShort>
        <lastChanged>16-Apr-2010 16:03:00</lastChanged>
        <desc>ASX All Ordinaries</desc>
        <descAbbrev>All Ordinaries</descAbbrev>
        <descShort>ALL ORDS</descShort>
        <lastChanged>19-Apr-2010 17:02:54</lastChanged>

            type: "GET",
            url: "stockindices.xml",
            dataType: "xml",
            success: function(xml) {

                    var self = $(this);                     
                    var code = self.find('indexDesc');


                    $('<span class=\"tickerItem\"></span>').html(values[0].text()).appendTo('#marq');                                                                   


You have some flaws in your function. This should do it:

success: function(xml) {

        var value = $(this).find('indexDesc descShort').text();
        value += ' ' + $(this).find('indexQuote capital last').text();
        value += ' ' + $(this).find('indexQuote capital change').text();

        $('<span class="tickerItem"></span>').text(value).appendTo('#marq');

Two comments on your code:

var code = self.find('indexDesc');


Here you assign the element indexDesc to the variable code and later you try to find the element indexDesc inside indexDesc (which does not exist).

$('<span class=\"tickerItem\"></span>').html(values[0].text())

I really wonder where values comes from, it is never declared. And you don't need to escape double quotes in single quotes.

I really recommand to read the documentation and a tutorial to get the basics of jQuery.


success: function(xml) {
  $(xml).find('index indexDesc descShort').each(function(){                    

    $('<span class=\"tickerItem\"></span>').html($(this).text()).appendTo('#marq');                                                                   

Second requested example (this is the most readable, some optimisation possible)

success: function(xml) {

    var desc = $('indexDesc descShort', this).text();
    var last = $('indexQuote capital last', this).text();
    var change = $('indexQuote capital change', this).text();

    //Do whatever with the text values                                                                  