I have used javax.jdo.Query like here JDO for Google App Engine: escaping quotes. Yet, my query string with single quote (') keep getting exploded.
Query query = pm.newQuery("select from " + Book.class.getName() + " where mArtist== '"+ artist + "' && mTitle=='" + title + "'");
Here is the exception
javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Portion of expression could not be parsed: 't Give Up'
org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryCompilerSyntaxException: Portion of expression could not be parsed: 't Give Up'
Here is this query.toString()
SELECT FROM com.example.Book WHERE mArtist== 'Famous Writer' && mTitle=='We Won''t Give Up'
Yeh, I have even escaped the single quote(') with double single quote per appengine docs
a str literal, as a single-quoted string. Single-quote characters in the string must be escaped as ''. For example: 'Joe''s Diner'