I am writing a code for a simple transportation problem in IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio. Here is the code trans.mod (File)
{string} Sources = ...;
{string} Destination = ...;
float Demand[Destination]= ...;
float Output[Sources]= ...;
float Shipcost[Sources][Destination]= ...;
assert sum(s in Sources) Output[s] == sum(d in Destination) Demand[d];
dvar int Ship[Sources][Destination] in 1..50;
sum(s in Sources, d in Destination)
subject to
forall( s in Sources , d in Destination )
sum(d in Destination)
forall( s in Sources , d in Destination )
sum(s in Sources)
forall( s in Sources , d in Destination )
execute DISPLAY
The data file of it is as trans.data
Sources = {Source1 Source2 Source3};
Destination = {mumbai delhi vadodra kolkata};
Demand = #[
mumbai: 80
delhi: 65
vadodra: 70
kolkata: 85
Output = #[
Source1: 75
Source2: 125
Source3: 100
Shipcost = #[
Source1: #[
mumbai: 464
delhi: 513
vadodra: 654
kolkata: 867
Source2 : #[
mumbai: 352
delhi: 416
vadodra: 690
kolkata: 791
Source3 : #[
mumbai: 995
delhi: 682
vadodra: 388
kolkata: 685
The problem is that when I run this simple transportation problem on TORA it gives me Optimal Solution as 152535 But when I run this code on cplex it gives me optimal solution as 156366 Please let me know where I am going wrong or why i am getting the difference of 3831. Thank you in advance.