I am trying to import contacts from Hotmail in Asp.Net Project but I am unable to find proper documentation that's working . is there any changes microsoft made . I have read somewhere that microsoft is not allowing to share this info.
I have used following two links but Link info redirects us to onedrive
Yes, a lot has changed in Microsoft when subject is contacts importing.
Now MSN, Hotmail and WindowsLive are all under Outlook.com. I.e., you must import your contacts from Outlook.com in order to get your contacts from all the these clients (including Hotmail).
Importing Protocol
Microsoft used, until few years ago, a custom protocol very close to OAuth (v1), called DeLauth. But, thanks God, now they're more towards to the existing standards, and now we can import contacts using the standard OAuth v2.
It's called Live Connect and you can read more about it here.
If you need to learn about OAuth2, I like this tutorial.
How to Implement
As you're using asp.net
, you'll need to use the Authorization code grant flow (in above tutorial called Authorization code flow).
Basically: after register (one time only) your web app with Microsoft (requesting to use the Contacts API), you'll need to display to the user a hyperlink. User will click and a consent popup will be displayed.
Probably you already faced this consent popup in modern apps/games or websites asking grants like "Foo wants to access your profile info", etc.
Once user granted access to the API you want to use, then you'll receive an access code (which is temporary). Now using HTTPRequest class, you'll use this code to request the access token.
Then now finally, with this access token, you can make the API calls. Using again the HTTPRequest class.
Easy Path
You can find more Live Connect questions here in SO, like this good one.
Additionally, you can use ready-to-use solutions, like CloudSponge.com (with the benefit of support other address book sources). Disclaimer: I work for CloudSponge.
i'm not positive but you probably have to export from hotmail first, into a csv file (for ex), then work with that.