
RestKit. RKObjectManager and queing

2019-09-17 03:16发布


I have 2 fairly simple question. I have 2 mapped requests sent i close succession to each other, called by MAIN thread.

First request: [[RKObjectManager sharedManager] loadObjectsAtResourcePath:@"SomePathToServer"delegate:self]

Second request:

[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] loadObjectsAtResourcePath:@"SomeOTHERpathtoServer" delegate:self];

My question is: Are they automatically queued by the object manager?

When i run them now the first request will trigger a rather large syncing communication with the webservice. The second request i fired off in the midst of that communication and is not handled/Recieved by RestKit.

If i run my app again, my code detect that the syncing is done, and now the second request is handled - Data is recieved and mapped.

Do i have to manually add my managed requests to a queue?

I havent found anything about it on the net, so if i have to manually queue it, i wonder if someone has an example or directions to a guide. I have only found queing examples for simple requests, and i have no idea on how to put the First and Second request into the queue - if needed. Help is much appreciated. Thomas


RKRequestQueue will do the job. You can add to the queue either RKObjectLoader or RKRequest

Here is the example:

RKRequestQueue *queue  =[[RKRequestQueue alloc] init];
    queue.delegate = self;
    queue.concurrentRequestsLimit = 1;
    queue.showsNetworkActivityIndicatorWhenBusy= YES;

    [queue addRequest:[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] objectLoaderWithResourcePath:@"resource" delegate:self]];
    [queue addRequest:[RKClient sharedClient] requestWithResourcePath:@"Another Resource "delegate: self]];

    [queue start];