Hey guys, first question here.
I have a couple of Products and Users that can put those Products on Wishlists. A User can have many Wishlists (for different purposes). Products can be added to Wishlists, but there's additional information involved: you have to specify an amount of a certain Product. This logic is used in the Inclusion, which has a field quantity.
Class Wishlist
belongs_to :user # User class is irrelevant here
has_many :inclusions
has_many :products, :through => :inclusions
Class Product
has_many :inclusions
has_many :wishlists, :through => :inclusions
Class Inclusion
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :wishlist
This is all working great, but now for the real question. Wishlists should be edited through textareas. The syntax is simple: quantity productname. All users use this syntax. For example, editing a Wishlist should look like this:
1 Bicycle
4 Shoe
1 Telephone
When the form is submitted, all the logic should be dealt with behind the scenes. So if the "1 Telephone" is taken off, the Inclusion should be destroyed. If a line is added or modified, the corresponding Inclusion should be created or updated, so that the database is synchronized with the contents of that textarea.
I have searched high and low, but could not find a solution for this. Thanks in advance!