Trying to slice a grayscale image of size 100x100 into patches of size 39x39 which are overlapping, with a stride-size of 1. That means that the next patch which starts one pixel to the right/or below is only different to the previous patch in one additional column/or row.
Rough Outline of the code: First compute the indices for each patch, so to be able to construct the 2D array of patches from an image and to be able to construct an image from patches:
patches = imgFlat[ind]
'patches' is a 2D array with each column containing a patch in vector form.
Those patches are processed, each patch individually and afterwards are merged together to an image again, with the precomputed indices.
img = np.sum(patchesWithColFlat[ind],axis=2)
As patches overlap it is necessary at the end to multiply the img with the precomputed weights:
imgOut = weights*imgOut
My code is really slow and speed is a critical issue, as this should be done on ca. 10^8 patches.
The functions get_indices_for_un_patchify and weights_unpatchify can be precomputed once, so speed is only an issue for patchify and unpatchify.
Thanks for any tipps.
import numpy as np
import scipy
import collections
import random as rand
def get_indices_for_un_patchify(sImg,sP,step):
''' creates indices for fast patchifying and unpatchifying
sx image size
sp patch size
step offset between two patches (default == [1,1])
patchInd collection with indices
patchInd.img2patch patchifying indices
patch = img(patchInd.img2patch);
patchInd.patch2img unpatchifying indices
NOTE: * for unpatchifying necessary to add a 0 column to the patch matrix
* matrices are constructed row by row, as normally there are less rows than columns in the
lImg =
indImg = np.reshape(range(lImg), sImg)
# no. of patches which fit into the image
sB = (sImg - sP + step) / step
lb =
lp =
indImg2Patch = np.zeros([lp, lb])
indPatch = np.reshape(range(lp*lb), [lp, lb])
indPatch2Img = np.ones([sImg[0],sImg[1],lp])*(lp*lb+1)
# default value should be last column
iRow = 0;
for jCol in range(sP[1]):
for jRow in range(sP[0]):
tmp1 = np.array(range(0, sImg[0]-sP[0]+1, step[0]))
tmp2 = np.array(range(0, sImg[1]-sP[1]+1, step[1]))
sel1 = jRow + tmp1
sel2 = jCol + tmp2
tmpIndImg2Patch = indImg[sel1,:]
# do not know how to combine following 2 lines in python
tmpIndImg2Patch = tmpIndImg2Patch[:,sel2]
indImg2Patch[iRow, :] = tmpIndImg2Patch.flatten()
# next line not nice, but do not know how to implement it better
indPatch2Img[min(sel1):max(sel1)+1, min(sel2):max(sel2)+1, iRow] = np.reshape(indPatch[iRow, :, np.newaxis], sB)
iRow += 1
pInd = collections.namedtuple
pInd.patch2img = indPatch2Img
pInd.img2patch = indImg2Patch
return pInd
def weights_unpatchify(sImg,pInd):
weights = 1./unpatchify(patchify(np.ones(sImg), pInd), pInd)
return weights
# @profile
def patchify(img,pInd):
imgFlat = img.flat
# imgFlat = img.flatten()
ind = pInd.img2patch.tolist()
patches = imgFlat[ind]
return patches
# @profile
def unpatchify(patches,pInd):
# add a row of zeros to the patches matrix
h,w = patches.shape
patchesWithCol = np.zeros([h+1,w])
patchesWithCol[:-1,:] = patches
patchesWithColFlat = patchesWithCol.flat
# patchesWithColFlat = patchesWithCol.flatten()
ind = pInd.patch2img.tolist()
img = np.sum(patchesWithColFlat[ind],axis=2)
return img
I call those functions, here e.g. with a random image
if __name__ =='__main__':
img = np.random.randint(255,size=[100,100])
sImg = img.shape
sP = np.array([39,39]) # size of patch
step = np.array([1,1]) # sliding window step size
pInd = get_indices_for_un_patchify(sImg,sP,step)
patches = patchify(img,pInd)
imgOut = unpatchify(patches,pInd)
weights = weights_unpatchify(sImg,pInd)
imgOut = weights*imgOut
print 'Difference of img and imgOut = %.7f' %sum(img.flatten() - imgOut.flatten())