Working with C# lists

2019-09-17 02:16发布


I'm trying to understand how does lists work in C# but I can't run my application because I get those messages:

Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: property type 'ClaseLista.ListNode' is less accessible than property 'ClaseLista.List.PrimerNodo' C:\Documents and Settings\Usuario\Escritorio\Listas\ClaseLista\List.cs 19 25 ClaseLista

Error 2 Inconsistent accessibility: property type 'ClaseLista.ListNode' is less accessible than property 'ClaseLista.List.UltimoNodo' C:\Documents and Settings\Usuario\Escritorio\Listas\ClaseLista\List.cs 24 25 ClaseLista

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using ClaseLista;

namespace Listas
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List Lista1 = new List();
            int opcion = 1;
            while (opcion > 0 && opcion < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("x Menú Principal (dos datos) x");
                Console.WriteLine("x                            x");
                Console.WriteLine("x 1: Insertar Alumnos        x");
                Console.WriteLine("x 2: Imprimir Lista          x");
                Console.WriteLine("x 3: Salir                   x");
                Console.WriteLine("x                            x");
                Console.Write("Ingrese opción: ");
                opcion = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (opcion)
                    case 1: int numero; string nombre, codigo;
                        Console.Write("Ingrese número de elementos: ");
                        numero = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        for (int i = 1; i <= numero; i++)
                            Console.WriteLine("Datos del alumno " + i);
                            Console.Write("Ingrese Nombre: ");
                            nombre = (Console.ReadLine());
                            Console.Write("Ingrese Codigo: ");
                            codigo = (Console.ReadLine());
                            Lista1.InsertaInicio(nombre, codigo);
                    case 2:
                        if (Lista1.EsVacio())
                            Console.WriteLine("Lista Vacia");

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ClaseLista
    public class List
        private ListNode primerNodo;
        private ListNode ultimoNodo;
        public List()
            primerNodo = null;
            ultimoNodo = null;
        public ListNode PrimerNodo
            get { return primerNodo; }
            set { primerNodo = value; }
        public ListNode UltimoNodo
            get { return ultimoNodo; }
            set { ultimoNodo = value; }
        //insertar al inicio
        public void InsertaInicio(object nom, object cod)
            if (EsVacio())
                primerNodo = ultimoNodo = new ListNode(nom, cod, null);
                primerNodo = new ListNode(nom, cod, primerNodo);
        //comprobar si es vacio
        public bool EsVacio()
            return primerNodo == null;
        public void Imprimir()
            ListNode current = primerNodo;
            while (current != null)
                Console.WriteLine("|" + current.Nombre + " " + current.Codigo);
                current = current.Siguiente;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ClaseLista
    class ListNode
        private object nombre;
        private object codigo;
        private ListNode siguiente;
        public ListNode()
            nombre = null;
            codigo = null;
            siguiente = null;
        public ListNode(object nomb, object cod, ListNode sig)
            nombre = nomb;
            codigo = cod;
            siguiente = sig;
        public object Nombre
            get { return nombre; }
            set { nombre = value; }
        public object Codigo
            get { return codigo; }
            set { codigo = value; }
        public ListNode Siguiente
            get { return siguiente; }
            set { siguiente = value; }

What can I do?


You need to make ListNode public as well...

public class ListNode


it's simply an issue to do with the visibility of your ListNode class - which is declared as

class ListNode

(And therefore has internal visibility)

Whereas your List class is declared as

public class List

Because List then declares one or more public properties of type ListNode, ListNode must also be public:

public class ListNode

Will fix it.


This is because you have ListNode defined as:

namespace ClaseLista
    class ListNode

By default, the compiler gives this an internal accessibility. To get rid of the error, change this to be public:

namespace ClaseLista
    public class ListNode

This is required because you define part of your public API using the ListNode class:

// This can't be public unless "ListNode" is public as well!
public ListNode PrimerNodo
    get { return primerNodo; }
    set { primerNodo = value; }


The problem is that your ListNode class is internal, while your List class is public. Code outside your .NET assembly can access the List class, but they can't use the PrimerNodo or UltimoNodo properties unless they can access the ListNode class too, so the compiler gives you that error.

If you want code outside of your assembly to be able to access ListNode, you can make it public. Otherwise, you can change the access modifier of the List class to internal or change the access modifier of the properties that use ListNode to private or internal.


Make ListNode public:

namespace ClaseLista
   public class ListNode
      private object nombre;


Your properties of type ListNode in the class ClaseLista are public but the ListNode type itself is not public. This creates mutually exclusive access control for the compiler. (After all, a consuming client can't very well use a property without being able to use the type for that property.)

For those properties to be public, the ListNode class also needs to be public.