Create a Directory in PhoneGap Application

2019-01-17 04:18发布


Trying to figure out how to create a directory on the file system using PhoneGap.

I want to create a directory for my PhoneGap application, so I can store images the user creates there and load them back up in the app.


This is how you do it :

window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onRequestFileSystemSuccess, null); 

function onRequestFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) { 
        var entry=fileSystem.root; 
        entry.getDirectory("example", {create: true, exclusive: false}, onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail); 

function onGetDirectorySuccess(dir) { 
      console.log("Created dir "; 

function onGetDirectoryFail(error) { 
     console.log("Error creating directory "+error.code); 

On iOS, this script will create a directory named 'example' in Applications/YOUR_APP/Documents/


This code works for me (based on version 7 Cordova documentation -

  function fileEntryCallback(fileEntry) {
    fileEntry.getDirectory('my_directory', { create: true });

If the code above doesn't work, you may need to reinstall the File and File Transfer plugins. A command like console.log(window.resolveLocalFileSystemUrl) is one way to test that the plugins are working.

Also, if you're using Content Security Policy (CSP) be sure your default-src allows cdvfile: paths:

default-src cdvfile: