I have the following batch script on a Windows 2008 R2 server:
@echo off
djoin.exe /provision /domain my.domain.com /machine test /savefile savefile.txt
If I run the script on the server itself, either through command prompt or PowerShell, it works perfectly fine and returns "0".
The problem is that I need to execute it from a remote computer, so I do the following (an example just for testing):
Invoke-Command -ComputerName remotehost -ScriptBlock {.\script.cmd}
The output is "-1073740940", which is probably error code C0000374, which could have something to do with heap corruption.
This seems to be a problem with the djoin command itself. I can comment out djoin and run other binaries, like ping, with no issues using the same Invoke-Command.
Keeping in mind that the script works perfectly fine when executed from PowerShell on the target computer, what issues could the act of remoting be introducing?
In both cases, the script is executed with the same privileges using my account, which is a member of Domain Admins. I doubt that it's a permissions issue and have no idea where else to look.
Gave up on the whole thing. This is either a bug in djoin or some obscure problem in the interaction between djoin and PS remoting.
I managed to run djoin directly on the client, using 'runas /netonly ...' to provide domain credentials. It's a very messy solution (and I have yet to figure out how to get the exit status of a process started by runas), but gets the job done.