The reason for that probably lays in my query, because I used MAX
to pick up the unique record.
But now my SSRS report does not display correct NetWrittenPremium
What would be a workaround for this problem?
Here is my query:
select b.YearNum,
SUM( Premium) as NetWrittenPremium
FROM tblCalendar b
LEFT JOIN ProductionReportMetrics prm ON b.MonthNum=Month(prm.EffectiveDate) AND b.YearNum = YEAR(EffectiveDate)
AND prm.EffectiveDate >=DateAdd(yy, -1, DATEADD(d, 1, EOMONTH(GETDATE()))) AND prm.EffectiveDate <= EOMONTH(GETDATE()) AND CompanyLine = 'Ironshore Insurance Company'
LEFT JOIN NetRate_Quote_Insur_Quote Q ON prm.NetRate_QuoteID = Q.QuoteID
LEFT JOIN NetRate_Quote_Insur_Quote_Locat QL ON Q.QuoteID = QL.QuoteID
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM NetRate_Quote_Insur_Quote_Locat_Liabi nqI
JOIN ( SELECT LocationID as LocID, MAX(ClassCode) as ClCode
FROM NetRate_Quote_Insur_Quote_Locat_Liabi GROUP BY LocationID ) nqA
ON nqA.LocID = nqI.LocationID AND nqA.ClCode = nqI.ClassCode ) QLL
ON QLL.LocationID = QL.LocationID
WHERE ( b.YearNum = YEAR(GETDATE())-1 and b.MonthNum >= MONTH(GETDATE())+1 ) OR
( b.YearNum = YEAR(GETDATE()) and b.MonthNum <= MONTH(GETDATE()) )
GROUP BY b.YearNum,b.MonthNum,ClassCode, QLL.Description
My tablix structure:I am gruping on Description and ClassCode.Sorting it by SUM(NetWrittenPremium) DESC
and Filtering by SUM(NetWrittenPremium) TOP 10
. And another group is MonthNum.
I have added a new group with grouping expression =1 But still same incorrect totals