I have the data structure below and I am trying to return the top level key (lo, eth0 or eth1) if anywhere recursively and arbitrarily deep within it's value is a given string. Then terminate the search after the first instance of the string is found.
Find key/value pairs deep inside a hash containing an arbitrary number of nested hashes and arrays This is sort of similar to what I'm trying to do but I haven't been able to map it to my own problem
h.find{ |k,v| break k if v.include? "number" }
=> "eth0"
h.find{ |k,v| break k if v.include? "" }
=> nil
#Should return eth0
I'd like to know how to generally work with nested data structures like this, but I'd settle for being able to specifically search within a specific sub hash, addresses in my case.
h = \
"flags"=>["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"],
"flags"=>["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"],
"port"=>"Twisted Pair",
"flags"=>["BROADCAST", "MULTICAST", "UP", "LOWER_UP"],
[{"destination"=>"default", "family"=>"inet", "via"=>""},
"port"=>"Twisted Pair",