正确使用UDP DatagramSocket类的(Correct use of UDP Datagr

2019-09-16 17:14发布

我在我的基类下面的代码(下面提供剪),用于处理UDP套接字。 我加入了WinRT的支持(#定义为WinRT的控制)。 我所拥有的一切对于.NET的工作,但事情与我的WinRT实施走错了。 当我发送数据,它没有被服务器端接收。 任何想法是怎么回事? 我没有看到在客户端的任何错误,只是没有显示在服务器上。 我已经成功地得到我的TCP套接字类的工作,以类似的方式使用DataWriter。

        public UdpSocketClient(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int localPort)
            this.remoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
            this.socket = new DatagramSocket();
            this.socket.MessageReceived += ReceiveCallback;

            // Bind to any port
            Logger.Debug("{0}: UdpSocketClient created. Binding to port {1}.", this, (localPort == 0) ? "[any]" : localPort.ToString());
            IAsyncAction bindAction = this.socket.BindEndpointAsync(new HostName("localhost"), localPort == 0 ? "0" : localPort.ToString());
            Logger.Trace("{0}: Bind Complete to port {1}", this, this.socket.Information.LocalServiceName);

            // Get IOutputStream
            Logger.Trace("{0}: Getting output stream to {1}.", this, remoteEndPoint);
            IAsyncOperation<IOutputStream> asyncOutput = this.socket.GetOutputStreamAsync(remoteEndPoint.address, remoteEndPoint.port.ToString());
            Logger.Trace("{0}: Got output stream.", this);

            // Create DataWriter
            dataWriter = new DataWriter(asyncOutput.GetResults());

        public void SendBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int wait = 0)
            Logger.Trace("{0}: Sending buffer. Wait = {1}", this, wait);
            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.WriteSize(); i++)
            DataWriterStoreOperation op = dataWriter.StoreAsync();
            if (wait != 0) op.AsTask().Wait(wait);
            else op.AsTask().Wait();
            Logger.Trace("{0}: Sending complete.", this);


04/23 19:08:57.504 DEBUG: Area Sync: UdpSocketClient created. Binding to port [any].
04/23 19:08:57.505 TRACE: Area Sync: Bind Complete to port 59518
04/23 19:08:57.506 TRACE: Area Sync: Getting output stream to
04/23 19:08:57.507 TRACE: Area Sync: Got output stream.

04/23 19:08:57.604 TRACE: Area Sync: Sending contact packet.
04/23 19:08:57.604 TRACE: Area Sync: Sending buffer. Wait = 0
04/23 19:08:57.605 TRACE: Area Sync: Sending complete.

Answer 1:

我想到了。 显然,它不喜欢我的绑定代码。 该文件说,你应该能够空进入绑定,但我一直有一个例外了点。 因此,它的工作原理,如果我使用ConnectAsync API:

        public UdpSocketClient(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int localPort)
            this.remoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
            this.socket = new DatagramSocket();
            this.socket.MessageReceived += ReceiveCallback;

            Logger.Trace("{0}: Connecting to {1}.", this, remoteEndPoint);
            IAsyncAction connectAction = this.socket.ConnectAsync(remoteEndPoint.address, remoteEndPoint.port.ToString());
            Logger.Trace("{0}: Connect Complete. Status {1}, ErrorCode {2}", this, connectAction.Status, 
                connectAction.ErrorCode != null ? connectAction.ErrorCode.Message : "None");

            dataWriter = new DataWriter(this.socket.OutputStream);

文章来源: Correct use of UDP DatagramSocket