Some of the sources I've checked already:
I'm busy developing .NET modules that will hook into our existing VB6 code. I've created a test VB6 project from which to launch the new code which comprises of a form with a button, and on the button's click event is
Dim launcher As New VB6InteropLaunchPad.launcher
launcher.FormTypeEnum = FormTypeEnum_MySpecificForm
It is successful the first time I click the button. However, if I click the button again, I get the following error:
Run-time error '-2146233079 (80131509)': Automation Error
Subsequent calls to the .NET code fail with the same error message unless I close and restart the IDE. If I compile the VB6 project to an EXE the same thing happens. I have to close the EXE and run it again to be able to access the .NET code.
I've tried the suggestion on and did the following:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"FormatMessageA" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Long, _
ByVal dwMessageId As Long, ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, _
ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, Arguments As Any) _
As Long
Private Function MessageText(lCode As Long) As String
Dim sRtrnCode As String
Dim lRet As Long
sRtrnCode = Space$(256)
lRet = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0&, lCode, 0&, _
sRtrnCode, 256&, 0&)
If lRet > 0 Then
MessageText = Left(sRtrnCode, lRet)
MessageText = "Error not found."
End If
End Function
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim launcher As New VB6InteropLaunchPad.launcher
launcher.FormTypeEnum = FormTypeEnum_MySpecificForm
Exit Sub
MsgBox MessageText(Err.Number)
MsgBox Err
but the error was not found.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried to set launcher = Nothing
but it doesn't help.
Thanks guys.
Given all that is involved here, I don't think there is enough information to make a meaningful guess as to the actual issue. If I were in your situation, the first thing I would probably do is debug the .NET component in Visual Studio in order to see if the problem is an unhandled exception coming from the .NET component:
- (Optional, but often helpful) Configure the VB6 project to generate a PDB file during compilation. Open the VB6 project and go to the Project -> MyProject Properties... menu item. Select the "Compile" tab and check "Create Symbolic Debug Info"
- Compile the VB6 project (File -> Make MyProject.exe).
- Open the .NET component project/solution, go to the Project -> MyDotNetProject Properties... menu item. Select the "Debug" tab. Set the "Start Action" to "Start External Program" and browse to the .exe generated via step 2.
- (Optional, but often helpful) Check "Enable unmanaged code debugging".
- Debug!
Hopefully you'll try the same scenario you outlined and this time it will cause an exception that, in turn, causes the VS debugger to break on the offending line of .NET code. If you don't see any change in behavior, it may be helpful to go to the Debug -> Exceptions... menu item (in VS) and check the appropriate check box to break immediately when a "Common Language Runtime Exception" is thrown.
Google turned up the following suggestion from someone with the same automation error in a similar interop situation.
only slightly unusual thing was
that my exposed class inherits from a
base class. Because I don't want the
base class exposed to COM it was
decorated with [ComVisible(false)]
When I finally removed this decoration
from the base class the COM class
worked in VB6.
So it seems mscorlib does not want to
expose a .NET class to COM if its
base class is not visible. My lesson
is that classes which are to be
exposed should not inherit. They
should single classes that delegate to
a contained instance of the class that
really does the work.
Check out this article. It has a step by step troubleshooting steps for these types of situations.
Thanks Mr. Pratt! I did what you suggested by stepping through the .NET code and discovered that I had to add a try/catch where my .NET code starts up (the humourously-but-fittingly-named "VB6LaunchPad" project):
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// Do Nothing
// Some DevExpress init code
Are Application.EnableVisualStyles();
and Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
even necessary?
(Sorry about not posting this as a comment, it was more than 600 characters.)