I want to clone specific tag from my repository in bitbucket. Now I am able to clone just the whole repository. What should I add to my code to clone specific tag?
I have seen this but it doesnt really helped me :
int num = 0;
git_clone_options clone_opts = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT;
git_checkout_options checkout_opts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT;
clone_opts.checkout_opts = checkout_opts;
clone_opts.fetch_opts.callbacks.credentials = cred_acquire_cb;
git_repository *cloned_repo = NULL;
int error = git_clone(&cloned_repo, all_urls.at(num).c_str(), clone_to.at(num).c_str(), &clone_opts);
if (error != 0) {
const git_error *err = giterr_last();
cerr << "error in clone num " << num << " -> message :" << err->message << endl;
else cout << endl << "Clone " << num << " succesful" << "(from url : " << all_urls.at(num) << " " << "to path : " << clone_to.at(num) << ")" << endl;
Thanks for your time