jfree chart draw image on a category plot

2019-09-16 12:52发布


Heyy folks I have a pretty strange requirement.I need to draw an arrow shaped image beside a stacked bar chart in a category plot .The arrow image has to be red or green depending on some pre defined condition.I just need help to find a method to draw an image outside the stacked bar on the plot using jfree chart.Please help me out with this guys .Being stuck with this for days !!!!


You could implement the CategoryAnnotation interface:

plot.addAnnotation(new CategoryAnnotation(){

   Image anImage = ImageIO.read(new File("anImage.jpg"));

   public void draw(Graphics2D g2, CategoryPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis){

       int x = ...  // determine where you want to draw the image inside the dataArea rectangle
       int y = ...

       g2.drawImage(anImage, x, y, null);



Do you need an arrow, an image or an image cropped to an arrow? In the first case, I would look at CategoryPointerAnnotation. In the second case, look at the source of XYImageAnnotation and wrap the logic in a custom CategoryAnnotation. An XYImageAnnotation itself won´t work, if your plot is indeed a CategoryPlot.