I need to start an ordered sequence of services, i need that each service will be up and running before try to start the next one, how can I achieve this in Powershell? How can I wait for the stop too?
I need to start an ordered sequence of services, i need that each service will be up and running before try to start the next one, how can I achieve this in Powershell? How can I wait for the stop too?
If you have a list of service names (say in an array), then foreach service:
The key is likely to be handling all the possibilities for #3 including the service failing.
But an outline would be something like (without handling the error cases):
$serviceNames | Foreach-Object -Process {
$svc = Get-Service -Name $_
if ($svc.Status -ne 'Running') {
while ($svc.Status -ne 'Running') {
Write-Output "Waiting for $($svc.Name) to start, current status: $($svc.Status)"
Start-Sleep -seconds 5
Write-Output "$($svc.Name) is running"
returns an instance of System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
which is "live"—indicating the current state of the service, not just the state when the instance was created.
A similar stop process would replace "Running" with "Stopped" and the "Start" call with "Stop". And, presumably, reverse the order of the list of services.
Don't do this manually (regardless of scripting language). Define proper dependencies between the services and Windows will start/stop them in the correct order. You can use the sc
utility to define the dependencies:
sc config Svc2 depend= Svc1
If a service should depend on more than one other service you separate the dependent services with forward slashes:
sc config Svc5 depend= Svc3/Svc4
Note that the =
must be followed by a space and must not be preceded by one.
To stop Services
$ServiceNames = Get-Service | where {($_.Name -like "YourServiceNameHere*")-and ($_.Status -eq "Running")}
Foreach-Object {$_.(Stop-Service $serviceNames)}
To start Services
$ServiceNames = Get-Service | where {($_.Name -like "YourServiceNameHere*")-and ($_.Status -ne "Running")}
Foreach-Object {$_.(Start-Service $ServiceNames)}