This question already has an answer here:
- When not to use 'track by $index' in an AngularJS ng-repeat? 2 answers
I am having a ng-repeat directive that is running on the array on object. I am facing a specific scenario in which, When I Bind my object properties with one time binding they are now getting refreshed when I Purge and add the data in my Array Of Object on which I am running my ng-repeat.
The point to focus here is, All these functionalities were working previosuly.
<div class="search_result" data-ng-repeat="prod in searchResult track by $index" ng-show="ShowWhenResultPositive">
<div class="media search-result-container">
<div class="media-left">
<div class="left "> </div>
<div class="leftBottom"> </div>
<div class="rightTop"> </div>
<div class="rightBottom"> </div>
<div class="searchimg_container" ng-click="redirectionToPage(prod.url)">
<!--<img src="{{prod.tkh_imageurl}}" alt="Not Available" class="lazyload"/>-->
<source data-srcset="{{prod.desktopImage}}" media="(min-width: 768px)">
<source data-srcset="{{prod.mobileImage}}" media="(min-width: 320px)">
<img src="" data-src="${properties.placeholderimage}" alt="Not Available" class="lazyload"><!--${properties.placeholderimage}-->
<div class="media-body search-desc">
<p ng-if="isPDF" class="subheading" ng-click="redirectionToPage(prod.url)">{{::prod.title}}</p>
<p ng-if="!isPDF" class="subheading" ng-click="redirectionToPage(prod.url)">{{::prod.tkh_title}}</p>
<p ng-if="!isPDF" class="resultdesc">{{::prod.tkh_description}}</p>
Here is the code for the same.