I have a Java Lambda function that is triggered by S3 Event every 15 minutes. I've noticed that over the period of about every 3 hours, each Lambda call includes the latest file that was uploaded AND all of the files that were uploaded before it within that 3 hour timespan.
So, if the when iterating through the entire List, it repeats the files that had already been processed in an earlier Lambda call.
How do I get it to only process the most recent file uploaded? In node.js, there is a context.suceed(), which I assume marks that event as successfully processed. Java doesn't seem to have that.
Below are the Cloudwatch logs.
08:35:16 START RequestId: 56c0dc17-6f77-11e6-a102-7517541f4ac3 Version: $LATEST
08:35:26 TIME - AUTHENTICATE: 8101ms
08:35:26 TIME - MESSAGE PARSE: 1ms
08:35:26 data :: event/events/2016/ 08/31/2016 0831123000.export.csv
08:35:35 Processed 147 events
08:35:35 TIME - FILE PARSE: 9698
08:35:35 Found 1 event files
08:35:35 Total function took: 17800ms
08:35:35 END RequestId: 56c0dc17-6f77-11e6-a102-7517541f4ac3
08:35:35 REPORT RequestId: 56c0dc17-6f77-11e6-a102-7517541f4ac3 Duration: 19403.67 ms Billed Duration: 19500 ms Memory Size: 192 MB Max Memory Used: 116 MB
08:45:03 START RequestId: bcb8e064-6f78-11e6-baea-a312004d2418 Version: $LATEST
08:45:03 TIME - AUTHENTICATE: 119ms
08:45:03 TIME - MESSAGE PARSE: 0ms
08:45:03 data :: event/events/2016/ 08/31/2016 0831123000.export.csv
08:45:05 Processed 147 events
08:45:05 data :: event/events/2016/ 08/31/2016 0831124500.export.csv
08:45:06 Processed 211 events
08:45:06 TIME - FILE PARSE: 2499
08:45:06 Found 2 event files
08:45:06 Total function took: 2618ms
08:45:06 END RequestId: bcb8e064-6f78-11e6-baea-a312004d2418
08:45:06 REPORT RequestId: bcb8e064-6f78-11e6-baea-a312004d2418 Duration: 2796.25 ms Billed Duration: 2800 ms Memory Size: 192 MB Max Memory Used: 116 MB
09:05:02 START RequestId: 8747aa 08-6f7b-11e6-80fd-f30a15cf07fc Version: $LATEST
09:05:02 TIME - AUTHENTICATE: 98ms
09:05:02 TIME - MESSAGE PARSE: 0ms
09:05:02 data :: event/events/2016/ 08/31/2016 0831123000.export.csv
09:05:03 Processed 147 events
09:05:03 data :: event/events/2016/ 08/31/2016 0831124500.export.csv
09:05:04 Processed 211 events
09:05:04 data :: event/events/2016/ 08/31/2016 0831130000.export.csv
09:05:04 Processed 204 events
09:05:04 TIME - FILE PARSE: 2242
09:05:04 Found 3 event files
09:05:04 Total function took: 2340ms
09:05:04 END RequestId: 8747aa 08-6f7b-11e6-80fd-f30a15cf07fc
EDIT 1 I believe the question has been answered by Michael, however below is some of the code for anyone else. I am indeed using a global List to hold the records.
public class LambdaHandler {
private final List<GDELTEventFile> eventFiles = new ArrayList<>();
private AmazonS3Client s3Client;
private final CSVFormat CSV_FORMAT = CSVFormat.TDF.withIgnoreEmptyLines().withTrim();
public void gdeltHandler(S3Event event, Context context) {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
long time = 0L;
s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider());
System.out.println("TIME - AUTHENTICATE: " + sw.getSplitTime() + "ms");
time += sw.getSplitTime();
System.out.println("TIME - MESSAGE PARSE: " + sw.getSplitTime() + "ms");
time += sw.getSplitTime();
System.out.println("TIME - FILE PARSE: " + sw.getSplitTime());
time += sw.getSplitTime();
System.out.println("Found " + eventFiles.size() + " event files");
System.out.println("Total function took: " + time + "ms");
private void processEvent(S3Event event) {
List<S3EventNotification.S3EventNotificationRecord> records = event.getRecords();
for (S3EventNotification.S3EventNotificationRecord record : records) {
long filesize = record.getS3().getObject().getSizeAsLong();
eventFiles.add(new GDELTEventFile(record.getS3().getBucket().getName(), record.getS3().getObject().getKey(), filesize));
private void processFiles() {
for (GDELTEventFile event : eventFiles) {
try {
System.out.println(event.getBucket() + " :: " + event.getFilename());
GetObjectRequest request = new GetObjectRequest(event.getBucket(), event.getFilename());
S3Object file = s3Client.getObject(request);
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(file.getObjectContent()))) {
CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(reader, CSV_FORMAT);
int count = 0;
for (CSVRecord record : parser) {
System.out.println("Processed " + count + " events");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("IOException :: " + ioe);