
AngularJS Google Map Directive - Error while displ

2019-09-16 09:38发布


I am developing a AgngularJs Google Map application (using AngularJS Google Map Directive) to show the current location using Marker and display the coordinates in an InfoWindow when the Marker icon is clicked.


 <ui-gmap-google-map center="map.center" zoom="map.zoom" options="options">
    <ui-gmap-marker coords="vm.marker.coords" options="vm.marker.options" events="vm.marker.events" idkey="vm.marker.id">
    <ui-gmap-window show="false" coords="vm.infoWin.coords" options="vm.infoWin.infoWinOptions">


uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then(function (maps) {
  if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
      $scope.map = { center: { latitude: position.coords.latitude, longitude: position.coords.longitude }, zoom: 15 };
      $scope.options = { draggable: false, scrollwheel: false }; //Map

      vm.marker = {
         id: 1,
         coords: {
                   latitude: position.coords.latitude,
                   longitude: position.coords.longitude
         options: {
                   draggable: false,
                   //labelContent: 'You are here',
                   //labelClass: "marker-labels"
         events: {
                   click: function () {

     function showInfoWindow() {
         vm.infoWin = {
                  coords: {
                             latitude: position.coords.latitude,
                             longitude: position.coords.longitude

                  infoWinOptions: {
                                     visible: true,
                                     content: 'Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude + ', ' + 'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude,
                                     pixelOffset: { height: -32, width: 0 }

But the InfoWindow is displayed only for first two clicks on the Marker icon. Google Chrome Console Window is showing this error message for every Marker Click:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'opacity' of undefined

at Object.maybeRepaint (angular-google-maps.min.js:7)
at .Me. (angular-google-maps.min.js:7)
at Object.
.z.trigger (js:95)
at Ke._.k.trigger (js:113)
at .JF. (maps.googleapis.com/maps-api-v3/api/js/26/10/infowindow.js:3)
at Object.
.z.trigger (js:95)
at _.JF. (maps.googleapis.com/maps-api-v3/api/js/26/10/util.js:133)
at .Zs..k.Jh (maps.googleapis.com/maps-api-v3/api/js/26/10/common.js:204)

I am not sure whether this is the right way to handle the Marker Click event. Please help me to fix this issue.


Info window content needs to be specified a bit differently:

1) first we need to introduce a property to store info window content (infoWinOptions object should not be used for that purpose since content could not be set via options attribute of ui-gmap-window directive ), for example: vm.marker.content

2) and then bind it like this:

<ui-gmap-window coords="vm.infoWin.coords" show="false" options="vm.infoWin.infoWinOptions">
  <span>  {{vm.marker.content}}</span>
