I have a large panel, that contains 3 smaller panels (locationPanel
, usagePanel
, structuralAspectsPanel
Each of the smaller panels has some JLabels
and JCheckBoxes
on them. I went ahead and centered the components on each panel, but how can I accomplish the center them over all 3 panels? (see the black line in the center please)
I have tried to use the cell-layout option in MigLayout
(new JLabel("Label here"), "cell 0 0")
, but was not able to create dynamically gaps of the same size, so that all components are centered. Using gap 200
(180, 300, ...) to "push" the components into a visual center seems to work, but I want to refrain from using absolute positioning / gaps, since they might break easily.
I have attached a picture of my problem:
Here is my source code:
public class RiskAssessmentPage extends JPanel {
JPanel riskAssessmentPanel = new JPanel();
JPanel locationPanel = new JPanel();
JPanel usagePanel = new JPanel();
JPanel structuralAspectsPanel = new JPanel();
public RiskAssessmentPage() {
setLayout(new MigLayout(""));
new MigLayout("wrap", "[grow, fill]", "[grow, fill, push][grow, fill, push][grow, fill, push]"));
locationPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[grow, center][grow, left]"));
usagePanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[grow, center][grow, left]"));
structuralAspectsPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[grow, center][grow, left]"));
structuralAspectsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Structural Aspects"));
locationPanel.add(new JLabel("This is the first of all labels"));
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
locationPanel.add(new JLabel("Second Label"));
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
locationPanel.add(new JLabel("This Label is fairly large and long and pushes the text around"));
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JLabel("A label in the usage panel"));
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
usagePanel.add(new JLabel("And another one and another one and another one"));
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JLabel("Label here"));
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JLabel("I am so uncreative with label names..."));
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JLabel("Thats it. I give up with naming them."));
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
add(riskAssessmentPanel, "grow, push");