Using Drupal 7, Views and Entity API I am trying to create a View which shows the logged in User all downloads which are available to him.
I use the following Content Types:
- Software
- Software Pack
The User has an entity reference field that accepts 1 value to reference a Software Pack. user_software_pack
The Software Packs include an entity reference field that accepts unlimited values to reference Software included in the Pack. field_included_software
For the View I am creating an unformated list of Content Teasers of Type Software
Doing this shows me all Software that is published, I am now attempting to filter the list to only the Software available to the User using the following relationships.
- A bridge to the User entity that is referencing Content via field_software_pack
- A bridge to the Content entity that is referenced via field_software_pack
- A bridge to the Content entity that is referenced via field_included_software
To me this would translate getting the user, then using that to reference the Software Pack to then reference the Software in that Pack. The view shows me all Software entities. Am I missing something?
Setting the Show: Content settings to use the relationship gives me an empty view, setting a relationship as required provides an empty view as well.