If I use noteStore.findNotesMetadata()
to get recently updated or created notes, no note is received if only tag is updated.
//sample python code
noteStore = client.get_note_store()
note_filter = NoteFilter()
note_filter.notebookGuid = notebook_id
note_filter.order = NoteSortOrder.UPDATED
updatefilter = 'updated:' + lastsyncevernote.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H')
If I update content of that note, then, using below api's, I get tags attached to that note but not the other way round.
noteStore.getNoteTagNames(access_token, enid)`
How can I get updated notes if only tag is updated?
That's by design. The Evernote team has decided that certain note changes will update a note's Updated
timestamp and certain ones will not.
Changes that do update the Updated
- Title
- Body/Content
- Resources/Attachments
Changes that do not update the Updated
- Created
- Deleted
- Active/Trashed
- Metadata on resources
- Notebook (i.e. notebookGuid)
- Tags (i.e. tagGuids)
The only way I know of to really track when tag assignments change is to use getSyncState
and getFilteredSyncChunk
which are discussed in the Evernote Sync API. These methods use the updateSequenceNum
property, which does get updated when a note's tag assignments are updated.