If you rotate the iPhone's video with ffmpeg,

2019-09-16 03:02发布


The following implementation is a command to rotate the movie by 90 degrees.

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf transpose=1 -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 videoo.mp4
-vf transpose=1

The iPhone's video contains rotation information and actually

ffprobe -show_streams -print_format json videoo.mp4 2>/dev/null

To output motion picture information or rotation information as described below.

 "tags": {
                "rotate": "90",
                "creation_time": "2017-08-24T01:49:38.000000Z",
                "language": "und",
                "handler_name": "Core Media Data Handler",
                "encoder": "'avc1'"
            "side_data_list": [
                    "side_data_type": "Display Matrix",
                    "displaymatrix": "\n00000000:            0       65536           0\n00000001:       -65536           0           0\n00000002:            0           0  1073741824\n",
                    "rotation": -90

"rotate": "90",




"rotation": -90

Is it possible to hide this? Or is it possible to erase only this rotation information?


Your ffmpeg is probably old. If you just want to physically rotate the video encode it using ffmpeg and it will do that automatically according to the rotation information:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a copy output.mp4

It will automatically strip the rotation side data. If you want to avoid that behavior add the -noautorotate option.

If you just want to strip the rotation side data:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v rotate="" output.mp4