I have to transfer around 5 million rows of data from Teradata to MySQL. Can anyone please suggest me the fastest way to do this over the network, without using the filesystem. I am new to Teradata and MySQL. I want to run this transfer as a batch job on weekly basis, so I am looking for the solution which can be fully automated. Any suggestions or hints will be greatly appreciated.
I have already written the code using JDBC to get the records from the Teradata and insert them into the MySQL. But it is very slow, so I am looking to make that code more efficient. I kept in generic because I didn't have the solution to be constrained by my implementation, as along with making existing code more efficient I am open to other alternatives also. But I don't want to use the file system since it's not easier to maintain or update the scripts.
My implementation:
Getting records from teradata:
connection = DBConnectionFactory.getDBConnection(SOURCE_DB);
statement = connection.createStatement();
rs = statement.executeQuery(QUERY_SELECT);
while (rs.next()) {
Offer offer = new Offer();
Inserting the records in mySQL:
int count = 0;
if (isUpdated) {
for (Offer offer : offers) {
stringBuilderUpdate = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilderUpdate = stringBuilderUpdate
stringBuilderUpdate = stringBuilderUpdate.append("'"
+ offer.getExternalSourceId() + "'");
queryBuilder = queryBuilder.append(stringBuilderUpdate
.toString() + SEMI_COLON);
if (count > LIMIT) {
countUpdate = statement.executeBatch();
LOG.info("DB update count : " + countUpdate.length);
count = 0;
if (count > 0) {
// Execute batch
countUpdate = statement.executeBatch();
Can anybody please tell me if we can make this code more efficient ???
PS: Please ignore the syntax error in above code as this code is working fine. Some info might be missing because of copy and paste.