XSL not rendering/acting properly in Chrome

2019-09-16 02:21发布


So, I'm working on updating 10-12 year old code to be Chrome compatable, and I've stalled out already. For whatever reason, when I input a number and then click the "fillPO" button, it doesn't update anything, and instead places a "null" into the box it should be filling. This works as intended on Internet Explorer. Is there a general rule to get this to work on chrome?

<xsl:template name="control-row">
    <xsl:if test="$orderApprove='true' and $isSuperUser='false' and $archiveView='false' ">
        <td nowrap="true" colspan="10">
            <input type="button" name="servlet" value="Approve" onClick="return approveOrder();">&nbsp;checked orders</input>
            <xsl:if test="/poursxml/OrderedFields/Field='PO'">
                &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
                Fill PO number across orders:&nbsp;
                <input type="text" name="genericPO" id = "genericPO" size="15" maxlength="30"/>
                <input type="button" value=" Fill PO " onclick="fillPO()"/>

This is the fillPO() in javascript.

function fillPO()
        alert('Please select an order first.');
        dfa = document.getElementsByName('orderNumber');
        len = dfa.length;
        var ix = 0;
        for(ix=0; ix<len; ix++)
            if(dfa[ix].name == 'orderNumber')
                if(dfa[ix].checked == true)
                    el_id = dfa[ix].id;
                    position = el_id.substring(11);
                    document.getElementById('PONumber' + position).innerHTML = '<input size="15" maxlength="30" type="text" name="PONumber" value="' + document.getElementById('genericPO').getAttribute('value') + '"></input>';


Wild guess: replace document.getElementById('genericPO').getAttribute('value') with document.getElementById('genericPO').value.

But we really need to see a sample allowing us to reproduce the problem in Chrome.


Because there is no obvious problem (at least for me) in your posted code fragments. Here some Debug hints (which may help a little bit):

  • Consider to have a look to the generated html (perhaps copy and format it) and compare it against the IE generated html. This could be done in the Elements tab of chrome debugger.
  • Try to set an breakpoint in the possible not working javascript function.
  • If this still does not help. Consider to copy the probably server-sided generated xml. This could be done within the "Network" tab in chrome debugger. Try to reduces the xml and test it offline to find the trouble causing part.
  • If debugging doses not work as expected. Add some console.log("test point");or alert() calls to the javascript.

(.. may be continued ..)