This working code brings up a QFileDialog prompting the user to select a .csv file:
def load(self,fileName=None):
if not fileName:
fileName=fileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption="Load Existing Radio Log",filter="csv (*.csv)")[0]
Now, I'd like to change that filter to be more selective. The program saves each project as a set of three .csv files (project.csv, project_fleetsync.csv, project_clueLog.csv) but I only want the file dialog to display the first one (project.csv) in order to avoid presenting the user with too many choices when only a third of them can be handled by the rest of the load() function.
According to this post, it looks like the solution is to use a proxy model. So, I changed the code to the following (all of the commented lines in load() are things I've tried in various combinations):
def load(self,fileName=None):
if not fileName:
# fileDialog.setNameFilter("CSV (*.csv)")
# fileDialog.setOption(QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)
# fileName=fileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption="Load Existing Radio Log",filter="csv (*.csv)")[0]
# fileName=fileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption="Load Existing Radio Log")[0]
# fileDialog.exec_()
# code for CSVFileSortFilterProxyModel partially taken from
class CSVFileSortFilterProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
print("initializing CSVFileSortFilterProxyModel")
# filterAcceptsRow - return True if row should be included in the model, False otherwise
# do not list files named *_fleetsync.csv or *_clueLog.csv
# do a case-insensitive comparison just in case
def filterAcceptsRow(self,source_row,source_parent):
print("CSV filterAcceptsRow called")
# Always show directories
if source_model.isDir(index0):
return True
# filter files
# filename=self.sourceModel().index(row,0,parent).data().lower()
print("testing lowercased filename:"+filename)
if filename.count("_fleetsync.csv")+filename.count("_clueLog.csv")==0:
return True
return False
When I call the load() function, I do get the "initializing CSVFileSortFilterProxyModel" output, but apparently filterAcceptsRow is not getting called: there is no "CSV filterAcceptsRow called" output, and, the _fleetsync.csv and _clueLog.csv files are still listed in the dialog. Clearly I'm doing something wrong...?