Insert directive into the DOM using jqlite

2019-09-15 19:29发布


I need to use jqlite to insert the HTML for the directive, but for some reason the directive does not insert the template.

<div ng-app="docsSimpleDirective">
  <div ng-controller="Controller">
      <button ng-click="showCustomer($event)">click to see the customer</button>

And my app.js looks like:

angular.module('docsSimpleDirective', [])
       .controller('Controller', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

          $scope.customer = {
             name: 'Naomi',
             address: '1600 Amphitheatre'

          $scope.showCustomer = function($event) {
             angular.element($event.currentTarget).next().html("<div my-customer></div>");
       .directive('myCustomer', function () {
          return {
          template: 'Name: {{}} Address: {{customer.address}}'

NOTE: This is just to try and recreate the situation i'm in, but the directive has to be inserted to the DOM in a similar way to the above - otherwise it will not work for my situation.


As Michelem mention the best way to do DOM manipulation is using directive.

If you still want to do this by using controller you can take a look at my example:

$scope.showCustomer = function($event) {
   var element = document.querySelectorAll('[ng-controller=Controller] div');
   var tpl = $compile( "<div my-customer=''></div>" )( $scope );

You need to add $compile in your application. It's possible?


Don't know why you did that but this is more simple:



<div ng-app="docsSimpleDirective">
    <div ng-controller="Controller">
        <button ng-click="showCustomer = true">click to see the customer</button>
        <div my-customer ng-show="showCustomer"></div>


angular.module('docsSimpleDirective', [])
    .controller('Controller', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

    $scope.customer = {
        name: 'Naomi',
        address: '1600 Amphitheatre'

    $scope.showCustomer = false;
.directive('myCustomer', function () {
    return {
        template: 'Name: {{}} Address: {{customer.address}}'

PS you can also use ng-ifinstead ng-show if you don't want to have the element (instead only hidden) before the click.