I am new to Android and while I am building project I am getting this type of error:
Failed to complete Gradle execution cause: org/gradle/Internal/TrueTimeProvider
I searched a lot through Google and Stack Overflow but no help.
I am new to Android and while I am building project I am getting this type of error:
Failed to complete Gradle execution cause: org/gradle/Internal/TrueTimeProvider
I searched a lot through Google and Stack Overflow but no help.
Try performing a clean build from build->clean project
Download any gradle of version greater than 3.2 link : https://services.gradle.org/distributions/
Extract it and save it in a suitable place in your computer. Open android studio and open settings.
on the right side choose or select Use local gradle distribution and then browse to where you had saved your downloaded extracted gradle click apply, then ok.
Don't forget to invalidate cache if you have some trouble using File -> Invalidate Cache / Restart
For me was fixed removing this from my app build.gradle
buildtimetracker {
reporters {
csv {
output "build/times.csv"
append true
header false
summary {
ordered false
threshold 50
barstyle "unicode"
csvSummary {
csv "build/times.csv"
and this
classpath "net.rdrei.android.buildtimetracker:gradle-plugin:0.8.0"