For the past couple of days I have been trying and reading to get something very specific done in Node-Red: I want to send the (LoRa) message to a CSV. This CSV should contain the following items:
- topic
- date
- payload
I can insert the date using a function node:
var str1 = Date();
I have been playing around with CSV node, but I can't get it to output comma separated values. All this has probably to do with my lack of javascript programming skills, which is why I turn to you.
Can you help me out?
Edit: I'm still looking for the answer, which has brought me the following: Function node:
var res = Date() + "," + msg.topic + "," + msg.payload; return [ { payload: res } ];
[{"col1":"Mon Oct 17 2016 17:10:20 GMT+0200 (CEST)","col2":"1/test/1","col3":"string1"}]
All I want now is to lose the extra information such as column names and [{}]