I am trying to send an invitation for the folder but I keep getting this error:
An invalid operation was attempted while processing this request.
My code is:
var graphclient = AuthenticationHelper.GetGraphServiceClient();
List<DriveRecipient> recpient = new List<DriveRecipient>() {
new DriveRecipient {
Email = "abcd@hotmail.com",
Alias="abcd" } };
// var info = await graphclient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
var invite = graphclient.Me.Drive.Root.ItemWithPath("trying").Invite(recpient, false, new List<string>() { "write" }, true, "inviation from xyz");
var done = await invite.Request().PostAsync();
Request Body is:
"message":"inviation from xyz",
Request Url: https://graph.microsoft.com:443/v1.0/me/drive/root:/trying:/microsoft.graph.invite