In this jsfiddle the chart has a nice zoom effect every time the visiblity of a series is toggled.
But when I add the UpperLimit series this effect is lost because that series has the lowest and highest x-values.
How can I make the chart zoom in on the series of my choice and keep other series from affecting zoom boundaries?
name: 'UpperLimit',
color: '#FF0000',
dashStyle: 'ShortDash',
showInLegend: false,
//affectsZoomBox: false, //No such thing :(
data: [
[1, 100],
[10, 100]
I don't think it is possible using configuration of the series. However, if you are willing to hack a bit it will be possible to exclude one or more series from the calculation of axis extremes:
chart.xAxis[0].oldGetSeriesExtremes = chart.xAxis[0].getSeriesExtremes;
chart.xAxis[0].getSeriesExtremes = function() {
var axis = this;
var originalSeries = axis.series;
var series = [];
for (var i = 0; i < originalSeries.length; i++) {
// Filter out the series you don't want to include in the calculation
if (originalSeries[i].name != 'UpperLimit') {
axis.series = series;
axis.series = originalSeries;
The code shows how to overwrite the getSeriesExtremes
function on the axis object. The method is replaced with a wrapper that removes the series that should be excluded, then calls the original function and then restores the original series to the axis.
This is clearly a hack. However, it works on my machine...