I need to make Salesperson ID on SOLine as a required field. But as Transfer orders do not have Salesperson, hence it should only validate when I create orders other than Transfer orders.
I tried with below code but it seems it is not working. Might be it is overrided with some existing code. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions.
public PXSetup<SOOrderTypeOperation,
Where<SOOrderTypeOperation.orderType, Equal<Optional<SOOrderType.orderType>>,
And<SOOrderTypeOperation.operation, Equal<Optional<SOOrderType.defaultOperation>>>>> sooperation;
protected bool IsTransferOrder
return (sooperation.Current.INDocType == INTranType.Transfer);
protected virtual void SOLine_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
var row = (SOLine)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
PXDefaultAttribute.SetPersistingCheck<SOLine.salesPersonID>(sender, row, IsTransferOrder ? PXPersistingCheck.Nothing : PXPersistingCheck.Null);
I usually thrown an appropriate exception in Row Persisting when the condition exists.
Here is an example from SOShipmentEntry checking for transfer and checking the null value of a field:
protected virtual void SOShipment_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
SOShipment doc = (SOShipment)e.Row;
if (doc.ShipmentType == SOShipmentType.Transfer && doc.DestinationSiteID == null)
throw new PXRowPersistingException(typeof(SOOrder.destinationSiteID).Name, null, ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(SOOrder.destinationSiteID).Name);
I have also called RaiseExceptionHandling similar to this example within RowPersisting
// sender = PXCache
if (row.OrderQty == Decimal.Zero)
sender.RaiseExceptionHandling<POLine.orderQty>(row, row.OrderQty, new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.POLineQuantityMustBeGreaterThanZero, PXErrorLevel.Error));
Both examples should stop the page from the save. calling the Raise Exception handling should point out the field with the Red X which is the better approach and easier for the user to find the field in question.
For your example:
protected virtual void SOLine_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
SOLine row = (SOLine)e.Row;
if (row == null)
if (!IsTransferOrder && row.SalesPersonID == null)
sender.RaiseExceptionHandling<SOLine.salesPersonID>(row, row.SalesPersonID, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, PXErrorLevel.Error));