Open an lxterminal window via shell script trigger

2019-09-15 05:18发布


I'm trying to start a python script that waits for user input via a shell script triggered by a UDEV rule. After the input arrives the python script needs to make some database calls. I'm running into a couple different issues.

Here is the udev rule:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb" RUN+="/path/to/"

Issue #1 - I can't seem to get it to actually open the window. Here is what I have in

lxterminal -e /path/to/

Here is the error I'm getting from udev:

'/path/to/'(err) '(lxterminal:4606): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: '

Here is another version of the shell script which actually ran, but wasn't visible, and crashed when checking for input. Guessing because I'll need to re-route stdin if I ever get the terminal to open? Script:

export DISPLAY=0:; bash -c /path/to/


(err) name = input('Enter your name')
(err) 'EOFError: EOF when reading a line'

If I get rid of the input, I get this error:

[4859] exit with return code 0

This answer makes it sound like this isn't possible, but this is programming anything is supposed to be possible!

The end of this forum sounds like it's possible, but I'll need to use Zenity?

Any info from someone that's more familiar with udev would be great!


For Issue #1;

lxterminal --command "python -i /path/to/"


I found the info I needed here: Scripts launched from udev do not have DISPLAY access anymore?

The script called by udev:

export DISPLAY=:0.0; export XAUTHORITY='/var/run/lightdm/root/:0'; /path/to/

Then inside my script:

cmd = ["zenity", "--entry", "--title='title'", "--text='{}'".format(var)]
response = (subprocess.check_output(cmd)).decode("utf-8") # Decode to a string