I am doing SQL query using core Java on three different tables with LEFT join and getting following output:
pId pName sId sName gId gName
1 p1 11 s1 111 g1
1 p1 11 s1 112 g2
2 p2 12 s2 null null
3 p3 13 s3 113 g3
Now I want to group this as following:
"pId": 1,
"pname": "p1",
"sub": [{
"sId": 11,
"sName": "s1",
"grades": [{
"gId": 111,
"gName": "g1"
}, {
"gId": 112,
"gName": "g2"
}, {
"pId": 2,
"pname": "p2",
"sub": [{
"sId": 12,
"sName": "s2",
"grades": []
}, {
"pId": 3,
"pname": "p3",
"sub": [{
"sId": 13,
"sName": "s3",
"grades": [{
"gId": 113,
"gName": "g3"
To group this as above mentioned output, I am doing following process in my Java code:
1) Iterate all pId
2) Iterate all sId in pId
3) Iterate all gId in sId
This takes lot of time to execute and get desired output.
Is there any way to get it done in faster way with minimum iterations?
Any help/workaround will be greatly appreciated.
I have tried hashmap over pId but still could not find a solution
Create a object as shown below
public class Process{
// getters and setters
private int pid;
// getters and setters
private String pName;
// getters and setters
private List<SubProcess> subList;
// override equals and hashcode basd on process name and id
public class SubProcess{
// getters and setters
private int subProcessId;
// getters and setters
private String subProcessName;
// getters and setters
private List<Grade> gradeList;
// override equals and hashcode basd on sub process name and id
public class Grade{
// getters and setters
private int gradeId;
// getters and setters
private String gradeName;
Now iterate through the result set and populate these objects creating a list of processes checking while adding a new process whether a process already exists....if so then repeat the check for sub process and grade adding data only if it is new.
Expanding on answer by prashant
String sql = "SELECT pId, pName, sId, sName, gId, gName" +
" FROM ..." +
" LEFT JOIN ..." +
" WHERE ..." +
" ORDER BY pId, sId, gId"; // <-- IMPORTANT !!!
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql)
List<Process> processes = new ArrayList<>();
Process p = null;
SubProcess s = null;
while (rs.next()) {
if (p == null || p.getId() != rs.getInt("pId")) {
p = new Process(rs.getInt("pId"), rs.getString("pName"));
s = null; // force new SubProcess
if (rs.getInt("sId") == 0/*null*/)
continue; // skip, no SubProcess found for Process
if (s == null || s.getId() != rs.getInt("sId")) {
s = new SubProcess(rs.getInt("sId"), rs.getString("sName"));
if (rs.getInt("gId") == 0/*null*/)
continue; // skip, no Grade found for SubProcess
Grade g = new Grade(rs.getInt("gId"), rs.getString("gName"));
// Now generate JSON from 'processes' list