I'm using jQuery DataTables and I have a problem when I'm sorting my time column with this format mm:ss
. For example when I sort this 00:08
the sort does something but this is not good. I have in my column:
So the sort doesn't work. Do you know how can I sort my time column?
Here is my code :
dom: "t<'col-sm-5'i><'col-sm-7'p>",
autoWidth: false,
serverSide: true,
aaSorting: [[0, 'desc']],
rowId: 'id',
lengthChange: false,
ajax: {
url: 'index',
method: 'POST'
columns: [
{data: "id", width: '5%'},
{data: "name", width: '10%', orderData: [ 1, 0 ]},
{data: "user_name", width: '10%', orderData: [ 2, 0 ]},
{data: "email", width: '35%', orderData: [ 3, 0 ]},
{data: "duration", render: duration_time, width: '10%', type: "time",orderData: [ 4, 0 ]},
{data: "incomplete", render: incomplete, width: '30%', orderData: [ 5, 0 ]}
Here is the function for the render parameter :
function duration_time(data, type, dataToSet){
var start = dataToSet.date_start;
var end = dataToSet.date_end;
var time = moment.utc(moment(end, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss").diff(moment(start, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"))).format("mm:ss");
return time;
function incomplete(data, type, dataToSet){
return dataToSet.incomplete == 0 ? 'Complete' : 'Incomplete';