Now what I generally do when writing code is something like this
function changeBookAuthor(int $id, string $newName){
throw new MyAppException('No author name was provided');
$book = Books::find($id);
throw new MyAppException('The provided book id could not be found');
in the laravel doc we see:
public function report(Exception $exception)
if ($exception instanceof CustomException) {
return parent::report($exception);
Now how to I properly handle the exception? they are all the same exception and they have no code neither. Should I provide an error code?
the problem with php exception is that they use integers. Is quite annoying imho. Better would be 'changeauthor_bookid_notfound'
as code instead of a random number. Should I create an exception class for each single exception? e.g. not reuse MyAppException
that seems a bit tedious. I would have a trillion classes.
Now if for a special exception I want special handling, with my code, I cannot easily do it. I have no code to check for (e.g. $exception->code == 3331 then do special
) and I don't have custom exception classes neither
what is a proven good solid way to handle this case? code, new class on each error, something else all together?
and if provide a code, what is a nice way to do it?