I have a set of multiple C++ classes that have the same interface (not derived from each other though). I'm trying to wrap these to make them available in .NET.
I currently have a method that defines the wrapper class using C/C++ #defines and then I can subsequently instantiate classes with a simple line of code
However I can't debug this. Ideally I would like to be able to use a generic or a template. However I can't use a C++ type inside a generic which would be the ultimate way to solve this problem.
Has anyone any idea of how I can do this without using the dreaded macros?
OK Here is an example of the templated class I have written:
template< typename CPPResamplerClass >
ref class TResampler
CPPResamplerClass* pResampler;
TResampler( int inputSampleRate, int outputSampleRate, int bufferLen ) :
pResampler( new CPPResamplerClass( inputSampleRate, outputSampleRate, bufferLen ) )
if (pResampler)
delete pResampler;
pResampler = nullptr;
property int HistorySize
int get()
return pResampler->HistorySize();
array< float >^ ResampleAudio(array< float >^ in)
array< float >^ out = gcnew array< float >(in->Length);
cli::pin_ptr< float > pIn = &in[0];
cli::pin_ptr< float > pOut = &out[0];
unsigned int inLen = in->Length;
unsigned int outLen = out->Length;
if (pResampler->ResampleAudio(pOut, outLen, pIn, inLen))
System::Array::Resize(out, outLen);
return out;
return nullptr;
typedef TResampler< ::Vec::SpeexResample > SpeexResample;
I then want to access this from C# however SpeexResample
does not exist. This could well be because I am using a typedef ...