I have the next directive
.directive('tableSortable', tableSortable);
/** @ngInject */
function tableSortable() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
templateUrl: 'app/components/tabla/tableSortable.html',
scope: {
columns: '=',
data: '=',
sort: '=',
onclickRow: '='
and I have the next html that shows a table
<tr ng-click="click(object)" ng-repeat="object in data | orderBy:sort.column:sort.descending | orderBy:sort.column:sort.descending | startFrom:currentPage*pageSize | limitTo:pageSize">
ng-repeat="key in object"
ng-if="key != '$$hashKey'" >
{{object[columns[$index].variable] | customFilter : getFilterOfColumn(columns[$index].variable)}}
I have this other html where I call the directive
<table-sortable onclick-row="main.onclickRow(msg)"
columns="main.columnsBusquedas" data="main.rowsBusquedas" sort="main.sortBusquedas">
And this controller with a function onclickRow(msg) where I want to take the row that the users click on
function onclickRow(msg){
This code didn't work... Could you help me please?