I have a set of tuples of size three in a list that represent windowed sequences.
What I need is using pyspask to be able to get (given the two first parts of the tuple) the third one.
So I need it to create sequences of three elements based on their frequency.
This is what I am doing:
data = [[['a','b','c'],['b','c','d'],['c','d','e'],['d','e','f'],['e','f','g'],['f','g','h'],['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],['a','b','c'],['b','c','d'],['f','g','h'],['d','e','f'],['b','c','d']]]
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data,2)
model = PrefixSpan.train( rdd, 0.2, 3)
Although, I would expect to see the sequences and the frequencies o them to follow the alphabet, they don't.
And I am getting sequences like:
FreqSequence(sequence=[[u'c'], [u'd'], [u'b']], freq=1)
FreqSequence(sequence=[[u'g'], [u'c'], [u'c']], freq=1)
which are not appearing in the defined ones. Obviously there is a problem in the way I have structure my features or I am missing something in the purpose and functionality of this algorithm..
Thank you!
First let's look at your input:
As you can see you created a dataset with only one sequence. It can be described as:
So patterns you get are indeed correct given the input. For example
FreqSequence(sequence=[[u'c'], [u'd'], [u'b']], freq=1)
corresponds to:
If each element of the dataset represents individual sequence data could have the following shape:
rdd = sc.parallelize([
[['a'], ['b'], ['c']], [['b'], ['c'], ['d']], [['c'], ['d'], ['e']],
[['d'], ['e'], ['f']], [['e'], ['f'], ['g']], [['f'], ['g'], ['h']],
[['a'], ['b'], ['c']], [['d'], ['e'], ['f']], [['a'], ['b'], ['c']],
[['b'], ['c'], ['d']], [['f'], ['g'], ['h']], [['d'], ['e'], ['f']],
[['b'], ['c'], ['d']]
[['a'], ['b'], ['c']]
- Each element is a list of lists.
- Each internal list represents possible alternatives at the given position.
With data structured like this:
model = PrefixSpan.train(rdd, 0.2, 3)
model.freqSequences().top(5, key=lambda x: len(x.sequence))
[FreqSequence(sequence=[['d'], ['e'], ['f']], freq=3),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['b'], ['c'], ['d']], freq=3),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['a'], ['b'], ['c']], freq=3),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['f'], ['g']], freq=3),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['d'], ['f']], freq=3)]
model.freqSequences().top(5, key=lambda x: x.freq)
[FreqSequence(sequence=[['d']], freq=7),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['c']], freq=7),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['f']], freq=6),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['b']], freq=6),
FreqSequence(sequence=[['b'], ['c']], freq=6)]