TSQL XML - Add attribute to parent node

2019-09-15 01:40发布


I am trying to add an attribute to the out most parent node. attached is my code, my results and my expected results to better understand what I'm trying to do. Any help is much appreciated!

My Code:


               'quoteRequest' AS '@service'
               FOR XML PATH('request'), TYPE),

            'Add' as Action,
            'generation' AS 'Date/@type',
            'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM' as Date
        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT ('Header')),

            '' AS Status, 
            'CustAcctNum' AS 'Enterprise/@customerAcctNum',
            'Name' AS 'Enterprise/@name',
            'Enterprise Name' AS 'Enterprise'
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE),
        'quoteNumber' AS 'ReferenceNumber/@type',
        'true' AS 'ReferenceNumber/@isPrimary',
        'VALUE' AS ReferenceNumber
        FOR XML PATH('ReferenceNumbers'),

        'Special Instructions' AS 'Comment/@type',
        'Comment' AS Comment
        FOR XML PATH('Comments'),

        'Forklift' AS 'EquipmentCode/@desc',
        '1' AS 'EquipmentCode/@qty',
        'DV' AS EquipmentCode
        FOR XML PATH('EquipmentList'),

                  'earliest' AS '@type',
                   FOR XML PATH('Date'), TYPE),
                  'latest' AS '@type',
                   FOR XML PATH('Date'), TYPE)
                FOR XML PATH('Pickup'),TYPE),
                'earliest' AS '@type',
                 FOR XML PATH('Date'), TYPE),
                'latest' AS '@type',
                 FOR XML PATH('Date'), TYPE)
               FOR XML PATH('Drop'),TYPE))
             FOR XML PATH('Dates'), TYPE)),

            'false' AS '@isresidential',
            '' AS 'Alias',
            'Name' AS 'Name',
            'AddrLine1' AS 'AddrLine1',
            'AddrLine2' AS 'AddrLine2',
            'City' AS 'City',
            'StateProvince' AS 'StateProvince',
            'PostalCode' AS 'PostalCode',
            'CountryCode' AS 'CountryCode',
               'Name' AS 'Name',
                    'phone' AS 'ContactMethod/@type',
                    '1' AS 'ContactMethod/@sequenceNum',
                    '8675309' AS 'ContactMethod'
                     FOR XML PATH('ContactMethods'), TYPE)
                FOR XML PATH('Contact'), TYPE, ROOT('Contacts')),
               'Comments' as 'Comments'
                FOR XML PATH (''), TYPE)

            FOR XML PATH('Address'), TYPE)

        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('Shipper'))),


            'false' AS '@isresidential',
            '' AS 'Alias',
            'Name' AS 'Name',
            'AddrLine1' AS 'AddrLine1',
            'AddrLine2' AS 'AddrLine2',
            'City' AS 'City',
            'StateProvince' AS 'StateProvince',
            'PostalCode' AS 'PostalCode',
            'CountryCode' AS 'CountryCode',
               'Name' AS 'Name',
                    'phone' AS 'ContactMethod/@type',
                    '1' AS 'ContactMethod/@sequenceNum',
                    '8675309' AS 'ContactMethod'
                     FOR XML PATH('ContactMethods'), TYPE)
                FOR XML PATH('Contact'), TYPE, ROOT('Contacts')),
               'Comments' as 'Comments'
                FOR XML PATH (''), TYPE)

            FOR XML PATH('Address'), TYPE)

        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('Consignee'))),

            'false' AS '@stackable',
            '1' AS '@sequence',
               'UOM' AS 'Quantity/@units',
               '1' AS 'Quantity'
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE),
               'UOM' AS 'Weight/@units',
               '1' AS 'Weight'
                FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE),
                '1' AS '@height',   
                '1' AS '@units',   
                '1' AS '@width',
                '1' AS '@length'  
                FOR XML PATH('Dimensions'), TYPE),
                'freghtClass' AS '@freightClass',
                '1' AS '@sequence',
                   'UOM' AS 'Weight/@units',
                   '1' AS 'Weight'
                    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE),
                    '1' AS '@height',   
                    '1' AS '@units',   
                    '1' AS '@width',
                    '1' AS '@length'  
                    FOR XML PATH('Dimensions'), TYPE),
                '1' AS 'Quantity'
                FOR XML PATH('Item'), TYPE, ROOT('Items'))

            FOR XML PATH('HandlingUnit'), TYPE))

          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('HandlingUnits'))),

          SELECT 'Method' AS Method
             FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE),
            (SELECT 'true' AS '@thirdParty',

            'false' AS '@isresidential',
            '' AS 'Alias',
            'Name' AS 'Name',
            'AddrLine1' AS 'AddrLine1',
            'AddrLine2' AS 'AddrLine2',
            'City' AS 'City',
            'StateProvince' AS 'StateProvince',
            'PostalCode' AS 'PostalCode',
            'CountryCode' AS 'CountryCode',
               'Name' AS 'Name',
                    'phone' AS 'ContactMethod/@type',
                    '1' AS 'ContactMethod/@sequenceNum',
                    '8675309' AS 'ContactMethod'
                     FOR XML PATH('ContactMethods'), TYPE)
                FOR XML PATH('Contact'), TYPE, ROOT('Contacts'))

            FOR XML PATH('Address'), TYPE)
           FOR XML PATH('BillTo'), TYPE)

        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('Payment'))

        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('Shipment'))

        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('QuoteRequest'))

        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('request'))

My results. Note the first two lines:

        <request service="quoteRequest" />**
            <Date type="generation">MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM</Date>
            <Status />
            <Enterprise customerAcctNum="CustAcctNum" name="Name">Enterprise Name</Enterprise>
              <ReferenceNumber type="quoteNumber" isPrimary="true">VALUE</ReferenceNumber>
              <Comment type="Special Instructions">Comment</Comment>
              <EquipmentCode desc="Forklift" qty="1">DV</EquipmentCode>
                <Date type="earliest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
                <Date type="latest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
                <Date type="earliest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
                <Date type="latest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
              <Address isresidential="false">
                <Alias />
                      <ContactMethod type="phone" sequenceNum="1">8675309</ContactMethod>
              <Address isresidential="false">
                <Alias />
                      <ContactMethod type="phone" sequenceNum="1">8675309</ContactMethod>
              <HandlingUnit stackable="false" sequence="1">
                <Quantity units="UOM">1</Quantity>
                <Weight units="UOM">1</Weight>
                <Dimensions height="1" units="1" width="1" length="1" />
                  <Item freightClass="freghtClass" sequence="1">
                    <Weight units="UOM">1</Weight>
                    <Dimensions height="1" units="1" width="1" length="1" />
              <BillTo thirdParty="true">
                <Address isresidential="false">
                  <Alias />
                        <ContactMethod type="phone" sequenceNum="1">8675309</ContactMethod>

My expected results, note the very first line/node is request. Unlike the results I get above, i need the node and attribute to be on the same line:

      **<request service=quoteRequest">**
            <Date type="generation">MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM</Date>
            <Status />
            <Enterprise customerAcctNum="CustAcctNum" name="Name">Enterprise Name</Enterprise>
              <ReferenceNumber type="quoteNumber" isPrimary="true">VALUE</ReferenceNumber>
              <Comment type="Special Instructions">Comment</Comment>
              <EquipmentCode desc="Forklift" qty="1">DV</EquipmentCode>
                <Date type="earliest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
                <Date type="latest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
                <Date type="earliest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
                <Date type="latest">2017-06-12T08:20:27.107</Date>
              <Address isresidential="false">
                <Alias />
                      <ContactMethod type="phone" sequenceNum="1">8675309</ContactMethod>
              <Address isresidential="false">
                <Alias />
                      <ContactMethod type="phone" sequenceNum="1">8675309</ContactMethod>
              <HandlingUnit stackable="false" sequence="1">
                <Quantity units="UOM">1</Quantity>
                <Weight units="UOM">1</Weight>
                <Dimensions height="1" units="1" width="1" length="1" />
                  <Item freightClass="freghtClass" sequence="1">
                    <Weight units="UOM">1</Weight>
                    <Dimensions height="1" units="1" width="1" length="1" />
              <BillTo thirdParty="true">
                <Address isresidential="false">
                  <Alias />
                        <ContactMethod type="phone" sequenceNum="1">8675309</ContactMethod>

I've tried many different things and still cant get it to work correctly. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks much!


Sorry but I want to take a step back and question why you are making the data as complex as it is with selects over and over and over? I would break it up into sections potentially of Shipment, Shipper, etc if it very complex and making a giant tablix but you should be able to make the elements independent of any tree structure and then readd them as needed. In a mock up I can show what I mean. Using the more explicit 'XML Path()' you have more options for creation of artifical nodes and don't have to nest selects just for creating node names. EG:

DECLARE @People TABLE (PersonId INT IDENTITY, PersonName VARCHAR(128));

INSERT INTO @People (PersonName) VALUES ('Brett'), ('John'), ('Mark'), ('Shawn'), ('Ryan'), ('Kevin');

DECLARE @XmlResults XML = 

      'quoteRequest' AS "@service"
    , 'Add' AS "QuoteRequest/Header/Action/*"
    , 'generation' AS "QuoteRequest/Header/Date/@type"
    , 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM' AS "QuoteRequest/Header/Date/*"
    , '' AS "QuoteRequest/Shipment/Status/*"
    , 'CustAcctNum' AS "QuoteRequest/Shipment/Enterprise/@customerAcctNum"
    , 'Name' AS "QuoteRequest/Shipment/Enterprise/@name"
    , PersonName AS "QuoteRequest/Shipment/Enterprise/*"
    , 'earliest' AS "QuoteRequest/Dates/Pickup/Date/@type"
    , FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff', 'en-US') AS "QuoteRequest/Dates/Pickup/Date/*"
    , 'latest' AS "QuoteRequest/Dates/Pickup/DateTwo/@type"
    , FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff', 'en-US') AS "QuoteRequest/Dates/Pickup/DateTwo/*"
    From @People
    FOR XML PATH('request'), ROOT('Requests'))
    , 'DateTwo', 'Date')

--XML as is
SELECT @XmlResults

--XML parsed for one request at a time in my series.
SELECT x.query('.')
FROM @XmlResults.nodes('Requests/request') AS y(x)