I have a problem where it looks like data from a feeder isn't added to the session. I'm testing a system where a user has a role (i.e. user or admin) and I need to perform various tests depending on the role. Following the advanced tutorial I have split my chains into different objects (each object in its own file) - one of the objects contain the login procedure which is the same regardless of the users role. I wan't re-use this, but with different feeders.
I load the username and password using the csv feeder, but it looks like it fails to add the data to the session because I get Failed to build request Submit user/password: No attribute named 'password' is defined
when running the simulation.
Here is my code which is split into multiple files:
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
class Simulation extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
val admins = scenario("Admins")
val users = scenario("Users")
object Login {
val login = group("Login") {
exec(http("Get form")
.pause(10 seconds)
.exec(http("Submit user/password")
.formParam("pass", "${password}") //TODO: get from feeder
.formParam("user", "${username}") //TODO: get from feeder
For now the csv files are the same:
Strangely enough it works if I move the .feed(csv("admins.csv"))
into Login.scala, but then I can't re-use it for for users.