I'm continuing with a game for an embedded microcontroller (Arduino), and I have a question on class interaction -- this question continues from my previous question here and I have based my code on the suggestion of sheddenizen (see response to the given link in 'here'):
I have three classes that inherit from a base class-
(i) class Sprite - (bass class) has a bitmap shape and (x,y) position on an LCD
(ii) class Missile : public Sprite - has a specific shape, (x,y) and also takes a obj
(iii) class Alien : public Sprite - has specific shape and (x,y)
(iv) class Player : public Sprite - ""
They all have different (virtual) method of moving and are shown on the LCD:
My streamlined code is below - specifically, I only want the missile to fire under certain conditions: when missile is created it takes an objects (x,y) value, how can I access a passed objects value within an inherited class?
// Bass class - has a form/shape, x and y position
// also has a method of moving, though its not defined what this is
class Sprite
Sprite(unsigned char * const spacePtrIn, unsigned int xInit, unsigned int yInit);
virtual void Move() = 0;
void Render() { display.drawBitmap(x,y, spacePtr, 5, 6, BLACK); }
unsigned int X() const { return x; }
unsigned int Y() const { return y; }
unsigned char *spacePtr;
unsigned int x, y;
// Sprite constructor
Sprite::Sprite(unsigned char * const spacePtrIn, unsigned int xInit, unsigned int yInit)
x = xInit;
y = yInit;
spacePtr = spacePtrIn;
// Derived class "Missile", also a sprite and has a specific form/shape, and specific (x,y) derived from input sprite
// also has a simple way of moving
class Missile : public Sprite
Missile(Sprite const &launchPoint): Sprite(&spaceMissile[0], launchPoint.X(), launchPoint.Y()) {}
virtual void Move();
void Missile::Move()
// Here - how to access launchPoint.X() and launchPoint.Y() to check for
// "fire conditions"
// create objects
Player HERO;
// moving objects