I am trying to deploy a Django app (1.11.3) to elastic beanstalk (Python 3.4). My issue is that my root route is not working correctly when I use the elastic beanstalk url, but works correctly when using the EC2 Elastic IP or EC2 Elastic IP Public DNS address.
When trying to view the root route of the elastic beanstalk url, the page never loads and ends with chrome showing ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. All other routes other than the route route (/members, /contact, etc) are working correctly with both the elastic beanstalk url and EC2 IP.
Command used to create elastic beanstalk:
eb create examplesitename-staging \
--branch_default \
--cname examplesitename-staging \
--database \
--database.engine postgres \
--database.instance db.t2.small \
--database.size 5 \
--database.version 9.3.17 \
--instance_type t2.nano \
--keyname admin \
--process \
--region us-east-1 \
--single \
--envvars ENV_VARS_ETC=...