I use a byte to store some flag like 10101010
and I would like to know how to verify that a specific bit is at 1
or 0
Here's a function that can be used to test any desired bit:
bool is_bit_set(unsigned value, unsigned bitindex)
return (value & (1 << bitindex)) != 0;
A bit of explanation:
The left shift operator (<<) is used to create a bit mask. (1 << 0) will be equal to 00000001, (1 << 1) will be equal to 00000010, (1 << 3) will be equal to 00001000, etc. So a shift of 0 tests the rightmost bit. A shift of 31 would be the leftmost bit of a 32-bit value.
The bitwise-and operator (&) gives a result where all the bits that are 1 on both sides are set. Examples: 1111 & 0001 = 0001; 1111 & 0010 == 0010; 0000 & 0001 = 0000. So, the expression (value & (1 << bitindex)) will return the bitmask if the associated bit is 1 in value, or will return 0 if the associated bit is 0.
Finally, we just check whether the result is non-zero. (This could actually be left out, but I like to make it explicit.)
As an extension of @Daoks answer
When doing bit-manipulation it really helps to have a very solid knowledge of bitwise operators.
Also the bitwise "AND" operator in C is &
, so what you are wanting to do is:
unsigned char a = 0xAA; // 10101010 in hex
unsigned char b = (1 << bitpos); //Where bitpos is the position you want to check
if(a & b) {
//bit set
else {
//not set
Above I used the bitwise "AND" (& in C) to check whether a particular bit was set or not. I also used two different ways of formulating binary numbers. I highly recommend you check out the Wikipedia link above.
You can use a AND operator. Example you have : 10101010 and you want to check the third bit you can do : (10101010 AND 00100000) and if you get 00100000 you know that you have the flag at the third position to 1.
If you are using C++ and the standard library is allowed, I'd suggest storing your flags in a bitset:
#include <bitset>
std::bitset<8> flags(someVariable);
as then you can check and set flags using the [] indexing operator.
Kristopher Johnson's answer is very good if you like working with individual fields like this. I prefer to make the code easier to read by using bit fields in C.
For example:
struct fieldsample
unsigned short field1 : 1;
unsigned short field2 : 1;
unsigned short field3 : 1;
unsigned short field4 : 1;
Here you have a simple struct with four fields, each 1 bit in size. Then you can write your code using simple structure access.
void codesample()
//Declare the struct on the stack.
fieldsample fields;
//Initialize values.
fields.f1 = 1;
fields.f2 = 0;
fields.f3 = 0;
fields.f4 = 1;
//Check the value of a field.
if(fields.f1 == 1) {}
You get the same small size advantage, plus readable code because you can give your fields meaningful names inside the structure.
Nobody's been wrong so far, but to give a method to check an arbitrary bit:
int checkBit( byte in, int bit )
return in & ( 1 << bit );
If the function returns non-zero, the bit is set.
byte THIRDBIT = 4; // 4 = 00000100 i.e third bit is set
int isThirdBitSet(byte in) {
return in & THIRDBIT; // Returns 1 if the third bit is set, 0 otherwise
you can do as Daok says and you make a bit to bit OR to the resulting of the previous AND operation. In this case you will have a final result of 1 or 0.
Traditionally, to check if the lowest bit is set, this will look something like:
int MY_FLAG = 0x0001;
if ((value & MY_FLAG) == MY_FLAG)
Use a bitwise (not logical!) and to compare the value against a bitmask.
if (var & 0x08) {
/* the fourth bit is set */