I have the following code:
<TextField id="txtPhone" top="20" left="15" right="40" returnKeyType="Ti.UI.RETURNKEY_GO" keyboardType="Ti.UI.KEYBOARD_TYPE_PHONE_PAD">
<KeyboardToolbar platform="ios">
<Button systemButton="Titanium.UI.iOS.SystemButton.FLEXIBLE_SPACE"/>
<Button title="Save" systemButton="Titanium.UI.iOS.SystemButton.SAVE"/>
The orgional issue I had was that ios does not have a "Done" button for keyboardType="Ti.UI.KEYBOARD_TYPE_PHONE_PAD"
. Therefore the solution I found from other StackOverflow answers was similar to the above.
The issue is that the keyboard toolbar does not appear in sync with the keyboard.
I found a video that demonstrates this issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd95W1LvNXk&feature=youtu.be . However, it is quite fast on the video, so I suggest watching it at 0.25 speed.
As you can see, when closing the keyboard, the numberpad reaches the bottom of the screen faster than the keyboard toolbar.
Similarly, when opening the keyboard, the keyboard toolbar appears faster than the number pad.
How can I fix this issue?