I have three drop downs containing data, these three drop downs get cloned after the user select the four drop down. my aim was to disable each drop down once the user has selected the data which works fine.
Now the problem is after the three drop down gets cloned for the second time the previous three drop downs enable themselves when they should still unable for the user to select.
my solution to be is every time the user select the fourth drop down which clone the previous three, i would want the previous three to stay unable for the user to go back to select any data and the the same procedures will be the same every time to three drop down get cloned.
i hope this made sense. thanks in advance
<option value="AND Quantity <= ">Less Than Or Equal To</option>
<option value="AND Quantity >= ">Greater Than Or Equal To</option>
<input id="js-ilterValue" type="number" min="0" placeholder="Characteristic Value" style="height: 39px; width: 166px;" />
<button id="js-AddValueFilter" class="mini-button" type="button" onclick="AddValue(document.getElementById('js-ilterValue').value)">+</button>
<div id="ANDORLabel" class="editor-label" style="width: 157px;"></div>
<div id="ANDORContainer" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
<select id="ddlANDOR" onchange="ddlANDORChange(this)">>
<option value="">---Add On Statement---</option>
<option value="AND">Both Statements are True</option>
<option value="OR">Either Statement is True</option>
function ddlANDORChange(obj) {
var currentLambdaExpression = $('#js-LambdaString').val();
var newLambdaExpression = null;
var currentUIExpression = $('#js-FilterString').val();
var newUIExpression = null;
var currentAndOrString = $('#binaryStringAndOr').val();
if (currentLambdaExpression.endsWith(")")) {
newLambdaExpression = currentLambdaExpression + " " + obj.value + " ";
newUIExpression = currentUIExpression + " " + obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].text + " ";
if (obj.value == 'AND')
$('#binaryStringAndOr').val(currentAndOrString + '1');
else if (obj.value == 'OR')
$('#binaryStringAndOr').val(currentAndOrString + '0');
// Copies the dropdowns above, need to find a away to add the onchange code without repeating it
$('#container:last').before($('#ddlProfile').clone().prop('id', 'ddlProfileClone').prop('disabled', false).show());
$('#container:last').before($('#ddlOption').clone().prop('id', 'ddlOptionClone').prop('disabled', false).show());
$('#container:last').before($('#js-FilterValue').clone().prop('id', 'js-FilterValue').prop('disabled', false).show());
$('#container:last').before($('#js-AddValueFilter').clone().prop('id', 'js-AddValueFilterClone').prop('disabled', false).show());
$('#container:last').before($('#ANDORLabel').clone().prop('id', 'ANDORLabelClone').show());
$('#container:last').before($('#ANDORContainer').clone().prop('id', 'ANDORContainerClone').show());
if ($('ddlProfileClone').show()) {
document.getElementById("ddlProfileClone").disabled = false;
alert("it is new ");
if ($('#ddlProfileClone').prop('disabled', false).on('change ' , function () {
document.getElementById("ddlProfileClone").disabled = true;
alert("it will return to it is new ");
else if ($('#ddlProfileClone').prop('disabled', false).on('change ' == false, function () {
document.getElementById("ddlProfileClone").disabled = false;