i need to implement and SOAP Service without using the WSDL (because its broken and will not be fixed). Now im stuck at a point where i need to set type attributes for some classes (base classes and derived one)
normaly ill decorate my DTOs like this:
[XmlType("Partner", Namespace = "http://....")]
public abstract class Partner
and the DerivedOne:
public class Person : Partner
the result looks like this:
<tar:Partner xsi:type="Person">
but now the API Document tells me to create a request like:
<tar:Partner xsi:type="par:CT_Person">
(tested in Fiddler and works) How is it possible to create a typeName set with a NameSpace Prefix (par) or set the name like:
deactivate(override) the escaping functionallity is no option for me.
thanks in advance.