Hello hello community!
So here is my issue, welll not really an issue but the following Run Script compiles my static library and it works great! my only issue is that it doesnt compile it for the simulator and i get a x86_64 error. I know that i could just edit this code to make it compatible can someone tell me what i need to do??
# define output folder environment variable
# Step 1. Build Device and Simulator versions
xcodebuild -target ${PROJECT_NAME} ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphoneos BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}"
BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}" xcodebuild -target ${PROJECT_NAME} -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphonesimulator -arch i386 BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}"
# make sure the output directory exists
# Step 2. Create universal binary file using lipo
lipo -create -output "${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/lib${PROJECT_NAME}.a" "${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/lib${PROJECT_NAME}.a" "${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphonesimulator/lib${PROJECT_NAME}.a"
# Last touch. copy the header files. Just for convenience